
Celebrating 200 years of excellence!

Ageas, through its Belgian business AG celebrates 200 years in business today. From modest beginnings in 1824 we have grown into one of Europe’s larger insurance groups and we enjoy a strong on the ground presence in some of the fastest growing Asian markets. We are the clear market leader in Belgium, but we also recognised early on the benefit of diversification. Our ancestors followed a bold path of geographic expansion that allowed us to diversify risks, capture growth opportunities and serve new customer segments while gaining critical international experience. Today we are in 13 countries serving more than 47 million customers across the full spectrum of services in life, non-life and reinsurance thanks to 50,000 committed employees and alongside our partners who play such a critical role in our success. 

Over two centuries we have celebrated many great achievements together. We have endured and worked through tough challenges to make ourselves an even stronger company. We’ve cared, shared, delivered and dared staying true to our values. And we are proud that over the years we have played an integral role in the development of the financial markets, alongside an influential role in responding to critical societal challenges. We owe our success to the thousands of people that have walked through our doors in the past, to those who work with us today, and to future generations that will follow in our footsteps.

As we reflect on this incredible milestone, we are proud of the legacy we have created and excited about what is still to come. We’ve only just begun!